Stephanie White

Soul Signature Healer

Sacred geometry design elements

Soul Signature Intuitive Meditation Readings


Soul Signature Past Life Regression

About Me

The last 25 years I have trained in multiple methods of meditation daily. This wonderful journey within also opened me up to the endless exploration of how the body, mind, and soul energy work synergistically. Our wonderful bodies are here in this world to work in service to our souls. What is happening to you and around you is a direct reflection of your inner workings, your inner dialog. Understanding this simple but complicated

contemplation led to many years of endless exploration. I learned and practiced so many modalities in search of the “ultimate” mind body soul healing. And then…. I had an epiphany in a very deep meditation. I realized that all modalities were initially imagined by someone, practiced by someone, then in turn used on someone, for healing. I know that may seem like a very simple concept for most. You see for many years, during meditation, I was downloading and receiving information for individuals to assist them on their healing journey. I would share this information as much as I felt led to, but was not confident in those messages because they came from within and not something I could read in a book. All those years I thought that I had to learn outside of myself rather from my higher self.

It is my honor to be able to offer uniques modalities that I have channeled and created to assist one soul at a time as humanity regains higher consciousness.